Monday, February 17, 2014

New Experience Being The Teacher

My first experience of teaching was a blur.
At the time, it didn’t feel like a blur. It felt a joyous, adrenaline-fueled rush of lessons, meetings, etc.
I am going to teach History Lesson at the time with my besties Grace Tanggu :) We choose First Crusade for our subtopic.. It was very hard for us to prepared the lesson plan and also to being a good teacher.. We made a small paper bird for the game.. Make a simple presentation.. Search the video of first crusade Bought the present for our student, etc..
For the first lesson we going to show the video of first crusade for our student and then we were lecturing about first crusade and then because we just have 30 minutes to taugh that topic so we decide to play games with other... The game was really simple the student just collect the small bird paper arround they and then they make a team with the other who get the same colour of the paper bird.. We think that the game will be eay to do.. But the accident happen.. One of my friend excited with the paaer bird so she collect almost all of it and put it in the window.. So, when the game was began some of my friend didn't get the paper bird.. Maybe some of the bird dissapear or fly away..  :D
Honestly I didn't feel something special for being the teacher, it was very blur for me..
But, something that I can learn for my experience is being a teacher is difficult things to do.. How hard our teacher prepared their lesson for us .. How hard they control and teach us..

“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward

“In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.”
Phil Collins

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