Saturday, February 22, 2014


 Most people consider that job is represent their status in society base on a poll people will choose job which are closely linked with office and using uniform. Some people prefer to choose a job that they wear white collar than a job which doesn’t have certain uniform. In fact, in some cases the worker who wear white collar sometimes doesn’t earn bigger salary than the ones who don’t. This is very essential for every single society to understand that actually uniform is not really social. Because the point why we work is that we want to get a lot of money. This kind of paradigm can be clearly revealed in our society people more over people will see civil servant as a job which has prestige and also respected in our society. Sometimes for the lowest positition in civil servant mostly they will not get more than one and half million though. Worstly, they should work 8 hours in a day. When we take a look at entrepreneur or businessman they can make a lot of money than the civil servant. In  fact, our society still consider that civil servant is kind of job which can provide wealth to the family. For example like estate agent, they sometimes just work behind the computer or laptop in their bedroom to find consumen who interest to buy property.  If we compare into another country for example in Canada people will see a job a base on a salary that they earn per hours for example like road sweeper they can earn more money than government ministers. 

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