Thursday, February 20, 2014


Road Sweeper
Government Minister
One day, I gave some polls to many people about their professions. about 30 people voted in the poll, which was carried out by adults. The result reveals a very big surprises their statements said that road sweeper to be the first rank in profession. Why?  Because road sweeper are closely link with each other especially with society. Beside it, this profession is essential for street clean,where if no one become road sweeper, so the street will not be clean. Government who get important place in government came much lower don because they get much money money every month without doing any important things for society. Above government minister, there are civil servant , which equally respected though cabin crew. This result is so surprised because the result last year said that cabin crew came well down caused of many planes accidents. But, this year cabin crew can do the same level as civil servant. Civil servant stay on their level because without civil servant , the government will not work as well as now. But this year, most of government minister do corruption, so in the poll people wrote that their belief on government minister decrease. In tenth places lower, there is estate agents. They are in lower place because many people don't want to buy house, they are more interested to buy land which has low price in many place or city and if they buy land from estate agents they will get more expensive. So, that is the result of the polls which I gave to many adults and the profession which we can't imagine goes to the road sweeper in the first rank. But, the government minister and others goes to lower rank below road sweeper.   

Cabin Crew
Estate Agents
Civil Servant

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