Monday, February 17, 2014


About two weeks ago, I got a chance from my English teacher, Mam Agnes. I and my classmates have to be a teacher, history teacher. So, I choose my partner to teaching history with me. My partner was Theresa, and I choose First Crusade as my subtopic. When I was teaching in the class, I felt like a fool person. Why? Because nobody heard me. I just speak to myself and I think I hate it. But I have to going on teaching. I and my partner try to make history subject become a fun subject no a boring subject. So, we played some videos related with First Crusade and we have make a fun lecturing but I think nobody still felt boring. I felt I can read their mind. ”Oh, God! This topic is so boring!!”. Maybe that was they think about my topic. But, I still have a game, and I think that is a fun game and I and my partner have prepare a present to the winner of the game. That game was so simple, they just have to find their group who have same paper bird’s color with theirs. And I have prepare the paper birds in their locker before the first subject was started. In the first of the game, it was pretty fun, but I was confused to choose the winner because there are two groups be the winners. So I discussed it with my partner. And finally Iwe choose one group to be a winner. Ya, that’s my teaching experience. Now, I aware that be a teacher is not easy. They don’t just teaching ,lecturing , and reading a textbook. They have to make a lesson plan and to make a lesson plan is not easy too. We have to arrange the plan during the teaching activity. We have to adjust our teaching time with what we have to teach.

Before I got the chance from  my English teacher, I always think that teaching was easy, very easy. So, I never think about my teachers feeling. And before I be a history teacher, I always felt boring with history subject. I always think that history is not important. Why we have to study about the past? It was ended, so why we have to study it? Why we to study about the people who was died? That is I always think about history. And I am a science student, why I have to study about social program’s subject? History is one of social program’s subject not for science program. But, after I have do this chance, I realize that history was important, even for science student like me. And I think history is pretty fun because in history we can know what the reason some tragedy was happened. And study about history like we read a story book. It is pretty boring, but sometimes I still feel boring with history. Now I still try to think that history is fun.

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