Sunday, February 23, 2014


Indonesian Survey Institute poll on professions carry out what is important to the people of Indonesia . The poll was held in January 2013. According to the society who have voted , the most important job at the same time equally appreciated by many parties are doctors . The reason is because the doctor is a essential profession that is needed . In addition , doctors also helps in improving the quality of health of the Indonesian nation . 5th position , occupied by a road sweepers . These results are certainly very suprising . According to some people , the road sweepers has an important role in maintaining the cleanliness and beauty of a city . Although the profession is considered a lowly occupation by some segments of society . After that the 10th rank , is occupied by the cabin crew . It is closely related to the safety of airline passengers . For the same reason , making the cabin crew as a profession that was considered important . Came much lower down , there are government ministers . Because according to the people , government ministers do not do their job properly and just want a paycheck without doing a good job . Based on the information society , they choose a real government ministers at the bottom . The reason they chose a real estate agent in the down position because a lot of estate agents who commit fraud to its customers . And this , which makes this profession considers society as a profession that is less valued and less important for them . Although , not all real estate agents deception .

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