Friday, February 21, 2014

Second Task

Once upon a time .. No no no. I bet you are bored with a story kinda like that. Well, I’ll tell you a real story. Or maybe a fact? That some of electronics media like television, internet, etc revealed an essential professions which are closely linked with modern society in general life. But wait, not all of those professions were equally respected though. You see? Some are came well down, or even came much lower down one with the others. That fact was carried out based on five thousand young adults voted in an electronic poll. Those are government ministers, pilot, civil servants, doctor, estate agents, chef, cabin crew, and road sweepers. Why should be the young adults? Because more of them do their activities out of their house. The young adults are more often spend their free times with playing, reading, communicating, or browsing something which makes them know much. Basically they live their own social life and access their social media more up to date than people in general society which is not up to date. But it’s only a little bit research that has done by a young professor in California. Believe it? Or not?

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