Tuesday, February 18, 2014

my experience become a teacher

In Monday,January 12th , I and my friend Pascalis have taught history in eleven science 3. I choosed Pascalis as my partner. I choosed him because he is my bestfriend and I thought  we could work together as well. We choosed the subtopic about the Industrial Revolution of United States. We worked together as always, search for the best method to teach so our student won’t be bored. We choosed lecturing and presentation method. We thought this subtopic is interesting, because many discoveries happened in United States . Before that,we had some Practice in our class in Sunday, January 11th. Like crazy people, we spoke with the white board, because no one in the class except us. It was embarrassing, when some people looked at us when we spoke to the class. But it’s never mind, it’s ok for this task. After did some practice, we evaluated our teaching method ( so in Monday we hope there are no failure). And the day was coming. At first we introduced ourselves to the audiences. I was as “Mr.S” and my partner Pascalis as “Mr.P”. The audiences laughed because of that name, yeah it just for fun. After that, we gave the audiences a few material about industrial revolution in US on paper. Then, we started our lesson. At the beginning, I felt very nervous, but I tried to made the audiences laughed with some words. Then, we introduced  the industrial revolution by lecturing in a few minutes. After the audiences knew well the meaning and the beginning of the industrial revolution, we started to wrote the material and made scheme on the whiteboard. The scheme helped the audiences to knew well about our subtopic. After that, I gave some questions to the audiences to test their knowledges. The result, most of the audiences knew well about my explanation, but some of them still confused with my explanation. So, I and my partner “Mr.P” took a decision to repeat again our explanation. It’s proved that became as a teacher is not easy. Then we gave some picture of the industrial revolution of US in short presentation. Why short presentation? Because we thought that long presentation  will make the audiences fell bored. After presentation, I gave the audiences some quiz. Why? because we thought giving some quiz will increased and review their knowledge. The quiz was consist of ten questions. We gave about 15 minutes to the audiences to do that quiz. At first, we didn’t sure that the audiences will do the quiz well,but the result was suprising. 98 % of the audiences did the test very well and on time!  This result proved that our explanation was cleared. We were  very happy with this result and  we proud of ourselves because in fact we succeeded to taught many audiences or students in eleven science 3. Overall, i think my lesson is simple but it’s interesting too. From this task, I knew about how to listen to our teacher and how to appreciate our teacher as well. Actually, became a teacher is not easy. It needs patient, spirit, big knowledge, good preparation, good lesson plan, and good teaching method. 

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