Saturday, February 22, 2014

Teaching Exprience

Actually , I do not have aspirations to become a teacher. Because in my opinion , it is a troublesome thing . But , I got an assignment from Mam Agnes to become a teacher while . In this task I had to teach a history lesson . Actually , I really dont like the subject because a lot of things that need to be memorized . However , in this task we have to make a boring history lesson that was originally to be enjoyable . And to be honest , this is an arduous task . We were divided into 20 groups , where the group consisting of 2 people . My partner is my own dorm friend , Olivia Helen Tanuel . The reason was for easy to coordinate preparing learning materials . Initially we both difficult to choose what topics will be discussed . The first topic we chose was a civil war in America . Actually that was my choice too picked that topic . I chose the topic because I 've watched a movie about the Civil War background . The movie was National Treasure 2 . The prologue movie about the incident after the civil war in America . That was first time , I heard about the civil war in America . Because the film was fun to watch , which is why I remember the civil war . After determining the topic , we wrote our topic title in a piece of paper that is not the same as other groups . There is a provision that the learning material must be high school or college material . Of the group - a group previously , we learn how the attitude of the students . The other groups that makes presentation and read it adds a level of boredom . So many who do not listen and make the class become noisier circumstances . Based on exprience, we decided to not only make presentations and handout materials . In addition handout materials , we also think about the games that will be given to students . To test whether the students pay attention to the learning material we gave or hear us make a cross words that will be filled by students at the end of the lesson . So that they are serious about doing cross words , we provided benefits for students in the form of food . The first 3 people who can complete the cross words will get food . For distribution in solving cross words , we split into several groups . There consisting of 2 persons and there are consisted of 3 people . However , there are some obstacles . Our material about the civil war in America has a very wide scope of discussion . And it makes we not understand how to explain this event to students . And ultimately the topic we were replacing . We both got confused looking for a topic for almost every topic already . Finally , because they chose one semester learning about the history of the kingdoms . Of the kingdoms , we chose the kingdom of Mataram . Because Mataram kingdom was the famous kingdom. In addition , the scope of the discussion is not too extensive , and we also had learned in the first semester . We were looking for informations from the history books and the internet. In order to understand more in our summarizes the information we got from the internet and books in a few paragraphs . In addition to providing a handout , we also searched videos of the kingdom of Mataram . However , the video we got in Indoonesia language . By the time we perform , we open it by presenting the video - the video . After that , we went with a discussion of the material . At the time explained , it was not easy . Many students are noisy , chat, etc. And in my opinion , only a few people are listening . In front , was also nervous because I do not understand how to make the lessons fun. And I could feel sorry for the teachers who explain but never listened . It made me realize that become a teacher is not easy . Not only the material but also have to prepare to make the students understand what is learned. In addition , teaching also requires more patience in dealing with troubled students say biased . That's my experience of being a teacher . From this experience , I became aware that being a teacher is not easy and makes me not want to be a teacher .

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