Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Tale of Jack Daniels

Once upon a time, there live a small poor family in the small village on a small island in Caribbean sea. The village was very clean. There is no any road sweepers in that village because the people who lived there aware of the environmental hygiene. Many people in that island work as a farmer because the low technology and low globalization. There is no any modern jobs like estate agents or civil servants in that time . They worked in their small farm and planted sugar on their farm. Planting sugar is essential because in that time sugar had a high sale value. This family had only one child named Jack Daniels. Jack was a hard worker and a smart child. He often helped his father working on  the farm. After a few years British come and colonized their village. The people were treated not equally and British. Jack revealed that many British government ministers were collected a tax that made the people on that village live in misery.  Seeing colonialism and slavery make rised and fought against British colonialism. He was arrested and jailed because his uprising. A few days later Jack was carried to the British by the ship to the naval fort for the execution. When the ships was sailing into the sea, Jack escaped from the cage and conquered that ship. Then he released all prisoners that were captured by the British soldier.  the prisoners decided to be the ship cabin crew because Jack saved them.  After success conquer the ship they decided to voted in a pole that who will be the captain. This vote was carried out by the entire ship passenger. The other candidates were voted came much lower down than Jack. So Jack was chosen as the captain of the ship.   Then he renamed the ship as Jackdaw.     Jackdaw was his favorite bird when he was child. Jack then turned into a pirate. He was trained by his old friend Ben Hornigold and Edward “Blackbeard” Thatch to become a true pirate. Blackbeard sayed that "a true pirate captain never leaved his ship, even it must be drowned" and that were become Jack moto. Jack piracy was began in west indies sea. Many British privateers were feared when heard his name. it because when Jackdaw board  a ship, the ship which were boarded were never seen again, Even it a fully armed Man O’ War. His piracy are closely linked with the rise of the Caribbean pirate for fight back the colonialism. His bravery made him were respected thought all of the pirate. Jack were died in his own ship when he were defending againts the attack by ten British pirate hunter. his cabin crew spirit were came well down and they surender to the pirate hunter. only Jack stay on his ship and drowned with it. Jack then become the legend of all pirate because of his bravery.