Saturday, February 22, 2014

about profession

       Most of Indonesian people want to be civil servants. Because according the some people being a civil servant is a respectful profession. Compering to the other professions like doctor, cabin crew, scientist, estate agent or politician, being a civil servant is mostly chosen. This research is carried out by some informal researchers. The research also reveals that road sweeper is a profession that people dislike very much. According to them it is not a respectful  profession. Even, some people feel ashamed if me of his family member becomes a road sweeper actually whatever the profession is, it is closely linked with the educational background although it is not equally right. Some educated people sometimes become not a respectful profession because of the limited  college.  In a surprise to some people, road sweeper profession came much lower down list with chemist in twenty two place.
      Based on that reality the government minister is opens the formal education, the based on the people’s interest. Opening vocational school one of government minister is effort to give opportunity for the people to choose the profession based on their interest. Government minister also tries to teach the people to respect any profession. It’s done to avoid the people to look down some profession beyond the civil servants. It is also used to make people to have a fighting spirit to explore their ability. By doing this the government ministers hopes that every Indonesian people has motivation and creativity to make money.

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