Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Most Awesome Teaching Experience for Me

                At January, our class got a task to Teaching. I was surprise :o because i thing teaching isn't easy. But okay i will try that :).
                Okay i want to talk about teaching. Teaching is the way to transfer what you know to people. Just like knowledge,infortainment, or everything  you know about a topic you teach. And our topic that we got is History. I think it was the most boring lesson in school. But, our teacher want us to teach with fun. If i teach with the boring way, maybe i will got bad score.
                History is a story about person,place,or incident from beginning until the end. The first thing i got on my mind was World War 2. Why WW2? Because before our teacher told us about this task, i already watched WW2 on Discovery Channel. I think if I teach about WW2 maybe I could tell a lot of this sub-topic.
                Then, our teacher tell us to get a partner about this task. I was surprised.. because if i get a partner that didn't like my topic, i will confuse .-. But , at last i got a very kind partner. She was Maria Inggrid. She liked my topic too and we worked together since that :3 once I again I want  to said thank you .. :D
                We worked together on the first week we got that task. We divided the task into two part. I worked on presentation and she worked  on what topic we will teach. Our motto while doing this task was "complementary work" .  First idea that I got for our presentation was making a GAME. I made that because after finishing high school in here I wanted to be Best CEO Game Developer. Okay back to topic... I made our presentation in the most interactive way so audience can paid attention to us.
            After I got a good idea, I got meeting with her in her boarding house. I got a little bit confuse with her. Because what she got was very little. But that's okay, I helped her to find more information about this task. Also, I told her about my little bit crazy idea. She agreed with me and i liked that. So we made our presentation together until dawn and created our LESSON PLAN.
            The day we got lottery that we must teaching next week, we got challenge from our teacher. That we must wear teacher's shirt or costume. Well I thought it wasn't a big deal for me. But my partner, I thought she got a little confused with that :D. She couldn't choose what costume will she wore on teaching day. So I helped her to wear same uniform like me.
            Okay I want to tell you about my Teaching day. My teaching day wasn't really good. because we only got 30 minutes to teach my class. While our lesson plan was for 45 minutes. I got an idea that I must cut some presentation on us. Then, the teaching time had come. I opened the Teaching time as Mr.Blue and my partner as Ms. Ing ( Missing as I pronounce it :p). Why my name Mr. Blue? Because on that day I wore blue shirt and blue school trousers. I thought it was little bit funny. Isn't it? You can comment it below :p

            Our presentation so far so good. And I liked my presentation too :p. My partner brought our presentation was better than me but that's okay, we are in the same group :D. After our teaching time was done, my feeling was very relieved. My friends told my presentation was very interactive as I thought. "Wow, your presentation is awesome~!" That's the word that i still remember until now. I think my presentation is still the best for now. But, I don't get it, why my score isn't good as my friend from another group. But that's okay, which pass let it pass. That's my first teaching experience. Thanks for reading my post :D ( need comment below :p). And if you want to know about my Game Teaching Presentation, you can click this link and save it :D http://www.slideshare.net/nicxfrozz30/world-war-ii-teaching-lesson-31333395


  1. Your presentation is the best (high technology) =D

    1. Well :D thank you Sonny, i think your presentation is still better than me, because you teach us without any computer :D not like me :( .-.
