Sunday, February 23, 2014


Becoming a Teacher Myself

This time, I got a task from my English teacher to become a teacher. Originally the task was surprised, because i never gotten such tasks as long as I attended school. But inevitably, as disciples we must work on the task from our teachers. Then my teacher ask that the material to be taught is a material of history. That material can I choose myself. We are given time to prepare that material for about 10 days. During the time of 10 days, other tasks are also given so unthinkable if there's English assignment. Fortunately, there is an empty time so get the task it little by little. Finally it was time to teach. Really difficult to teach a lesson especially history lesson because as a teacher must master the material to be taught. 

During teaching, sense of nervousness could not be lost, but I keep trying to give the best. I just realized, become a teacher is not easy. Why? Because it should be already preparing material with good and right and already have a plan of what will be taught on the day especially if teaching more than 1 class, certainly the circumstances that one class with another class is different. So, we as students should appreciate our teachers who are teaching and do not forget to say “thank you” to our teachers because they have taught us to persevere and be patient. It is my experience that I can tell. Thank you already want to read my experience.

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