Thursday, February 20, 2014

After I read English lesson unit 8 about profession I can conclude profession can determine the position of a social life.  There’s 1 text from unit 8 about voted in poll to find out which profession were the most respected and the last respected. The results of the poll revealed a surprising because some of the profession which mentioned above the text are professions that many Indonesian people lived. Such as road sweeper, cabin crew, civil servant, government minister and state agent. Why road sweeper attracted many people? Because they just swept the read in morning or night and then they’ll get the money. Same as state agent this profession just offered people property like house or land and if the property sold they got the money. What about civil servant? They help the government carry out their duties. And of course government minister is the most respected because they can affect the state. But the cabin crew like pilot, stewardess still people like the most because they thought that’s a interesting profession. But in the fact people who worked as cabin crew have social status that came well down after civil servant and government minister. And road sweeper and state agent also have social status that came much lower down. But this situation is different from what happened in the Britain where the estate agent positions above government minister and civil servant. That’s why I say profession can determine the position of social life because the salary and people's views of the job though the profession attracted many people. But I think the profession is the essential things to determine one's position in society.
road sweeper
cabin crew 

David Cameron chairs the first meeting of the national security council in the cabinet room
government minister

civil servant
Estate agent
state agent