Friday, February 21, 2014

Second Task

Indonesia presidential election carried out in 2014. This election is very important for the public to voted in a poll and open representative for indonesia. Society of Indonesia will revealed a candidate that has been available to determine the representatives of indonesia, as well as being able to protect its citizens from injustice. Before becoming a presidential candidate, about law, candidates are not differentiated based on balanced but status. Presidential candidates came well down to enlist party that has been in existence in Indonesia. Having determined who will represent each party, then came much lower down though the community that determines the President of indonesia. Then there's a President who must perform his duty and essential as a father who look after the welfare of his country which are closely linked with of education, economy, welfare, equally respected though as well as in the world of politics. The President has been elected is not only helpful in terms of the economy alone but also creating jobs for the unemployed. Not only that the Government minister also had to employ civil servants who have not been prosperous. In addition the Government also must insist on increasing the income of the employees of that far away under the rule is road sweeper. A road sweeper very helpful Government in environmental hygiene. Not just a street sweeper is not noticed by the Administration, cabin crew were not getting attention from the Government. They are willing to leave their families to seek money for his daily needs. Although they are willing to abandon his family, they also answer their lives to earn money. The estate agent is the work that this group now to earn a lot of money. But they are hard to find another job in addition to the agent's House. The Government is expected to increase employment for the unemployed. And the President who will be elected are expected able to perform actions that are fair, open, thoughtful and spirited his lead.

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