Friday, February 21, 2014

English Task About Proffesion

     I want to tell you about some profession in Indonesia. Maybe I don't tell you about some result of a poll, because I want to tell about in term of my view about some profession in Indonesia. So, in this task, I don’t ask some people to voted in, I don’t carried out it. I want to revealed what I see about people’s view to some profession in Indonesia. I thought that we are closely linked with other peoples which are had different profession. These people always be our essensial part. I see, there are some people that disgusting with trash and dirty stuff, etc. whereas there are road sweepers do their work at the street. I think a lot of people think they was stink, dirty, and poor. So, that profession come much lower down respected by other people. Though they often , thought by people that they were bad profession, but without them, there will be many trash that scattered in the street. Different with the people that work as cabin crew, or government ministers that have more respect to that professions. Same thing that the people who work as civil servant, respect to that profession come well down because the servants, they do all this time in Indonesia , example the police service that slow and can be paid with money from the people who disobey the rules. To estate agents, I think people think they often search for their own benefit. So, all of profession in Indonesia are important and all of it are both important equally too to our live. 

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