Friday, February 21, 2014

First Task (Teaching Experience)

At the beginning of the semester,precisely on January,Mam Agnes gave us a chance to be a teacher and we had to choose one partner.I and my classmate have to be a history teacher.So,i choosed Kevin as my partner because he’s one of my bestfriend and i thought we could work together as well( make the best team :p ). We choosed the subtopic about the Battle of Stalingrad. We worked as always,trying to find the best way to teach our “Fake” students(our classmates,i mean :p ) so they won’t get bored and slept at my class.Because everyone know,history is one of a bored lesson.Why? because history is a lesson that study about a tragedy that happened in the past and too many years to remember so impressed as recitation. They will be more interested to learn about technoloy, art, and science or something new (not ancient).Then,we thought our subtopic is interesting enough because the Battle of Stalingrad (August 23, 1942 – February 2, 1943)was a major battle of World War II in which Nazi Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in the southwestern Soviet Union. It is among the bloodiest battles in the history of warfare.So,we decided to use this subtopic.Before that,we made a preparation about the materials we would lecture and discussed on Monday,2 days before THE DAY and also on Tuesday,we did a short practice but we weren’t so serious to do it(too much playing and joking  ._. ).At first,We wanted to memorize all the materials,so we just showed the pictures in the slide presentation and explained it without reading the handout. But (?) L Read the next paragraph L

Soviet soldier waving the Red Banner over the central plaza of Stalingrad in 1943.

When the day was coming,we introduced ourselves to our lovely students as Mr.Kevin and Miss Karen :3.After that,we gave our students a handout about our material(The Battle of Stalingrad),one person one handhout.Then,we started the lesson by explaining the slide presentation.I felt so nervous(i was so nervous at the time and my mind was blank,all the materials i have memorized was gone .__. ) but i tried to be relax.I explained the slide presentation by reading the handout and translate the some of difficult words to indonesian.So,my “fake” students could understand.After that,i showed them a video to help them imagine the situation in that time.But actually,i thought all i have done wasn’t useful.Why?When i was teaching in the class,i felt like i spoke to myself and nobody heard me.i didn’t like it,i felt unappreciated.But yeah,just let it be.After the presentation,i gave my students some quiz to help them review the lesson we taught.They had to arrange the six words that related to the subtopic by looking for the jumbled alphabets.We gave about 15 minutes to do the quiz.Unexpectedly,the students could do the quiz well and almost all of the students could finish the quiz quickly.It made me happy and proud of them,it proved that some of them still gave us(me and my partner) attention while we were explaining.Overall,i thought teaching isn’t easy,they don’t just lecturing and reading a textbook or make a presentation,but they had to look for the best method and arranged the lesson plan before the teaching activity.So,the students would not get bored and would be active to participate in the class.

From this assignment,i realize how difficult to be a teacher,it’s not as easy as what we think,they need a BIG patient,spirit,and best preparation before the teaching activity starts.Make the lesson plan to adjust the teaching time with the materials they will discuss.
That’s why we have to appreciate them because they inspire us, they entertain us, and we end up learning a ton even when we don't know it.

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