Monday, February 24, 2014

teaching experience

Now I’m studying at 11th grade in Saint Joseph High School and only in that school have English subject that allow their student teaching about history. Then me and my partner Erik collaborate and we must tought History and I didn’t like history so much because I’m bad with that subject. First, I got an idea to tought about Greek’s mythology about Trojan’s wars. I choosed Greek’s mythology because I thought my friend will interest with it. First, I thought become a teacher is really easy only shouted, gave punish to my naughty student, and gave some presentation or video. At first I felt so easy copied from the internet then I put it on presentation. But my English teacher then gave us a challenge that some of us will teach outside then no more electricity. My presentation that I made now become useless and we must teach outside. The method I choose lecturing because I thought we have no more idea. In the day that we must teach my friend I felt like speaking in a high mountain that have no people. I’m speaking and my student not listened to me. They were speaking each other but in game times they interest with the prize. Then, I thought being a teacher must give a prize to the student every time to get they attention. I thought I won’t be a teacher anymore. 

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