Saturday, February 22, 2014


Every people in the world has so many jobs, but not all of those proffesions are equally respected though. Many people think that people who have much lower down professions than their professions are shameful.However, a survey carried out by BBC revealed that many educated people voted people whose proffesions came well down from the list are essential jobs too because the profession which came much lower down are closely linked with higher proffesions, for example road sweepers. If the road sweepers do their job very well, the major of the city will be considered as a successfull major because he really cares about his city.As a result, he can get some rewards from the president and his chance to be voted in a poll will increase.
Though some jobs are considered looked higher proffesions like government mininsters, cabin crew, civil servants, estate agents and many more, actually that are kind of difficult jobs because those jobs need many skills. As an example, being an estate agent looks like a nice and easy proffesions, but actualy their job is’t that easy,  they need some other skills like good communication,  patience because they will not always get a costumer regularly , and when they do get a costumer,  sometimes they may get a picky one, and all of that will need a good patience.

These statements revealed that not every came well down jobs are bad jobs and not every higher proffesions can make us happy. 

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