Monday, February 17, 2014


After I have finishing my senior high school at St. Joseph, I want to go to college. I go to college because I don’t have any choice and if I don’t go to college I’m sure that I will not have a job. I want to go to Airlangga University in Surabaya. Why I choose Airlangga University? I choose that because Airlangga University have medical major and I want to be a doctor. I choose Airlangga University because Airlangga University is one of the greatest university in Indonesia. Airlangga’s medical major is very good and many great doctor was studied in Airlangga University. But, I know that in college will need more money, so I want to work, part time work, to help my parents and I will have my own money for my college. That’s all I want to do with my future!! I hope everything will gonna be like my dream!!


  1. "I know that in college will need more money, so I want to work, part time work, to help my parents and I will have my own money for my college"

    What part time work will you do in the future,I think you must plan it.

  2. i think it's nice choice grace.. but i think tou must do your best now, increase your school grades. so later you can go to that university easily.

  3. So, you want to be a doctor right? what kind of doctor do you want? veterinarian,dentist,general doctor, or specialist doctor? :D
