Friday, February 21, 2014

The Second Task

So today, i would like to share my (fake)experiences to you..

When i was child, i wanted to be a goverment ministers. Because i think that they are so intelligent people and essential for country growth also i think they are closely linked with civil servants which i like to see in my younger age.

But now, after the fire nation attacked, that perception gone. I become more mature in my thought. I think that goverment ministers is just a political job vacancy that it's job is sucking people's money. Well, not every of them, but many of them did it. I think that this job is came much lower down from my list of future job. And i think that road sweepers is better than them!

Well this perception is carried out by lots of my (fake)friends. It's true that goverment minister are more respected though when you compare them with a estate agents, but it's only in personal section, not in their jobs. But estate agent also same in some way; They sometimes gives you some fake statement and hyperbole their talks to interest the buyer. So think that both of goverment minister and estate agent are equally and also came well down in my job interest.

After some meditation and prayer, i have revealed some job that i like to see in my older age. Some of them are cabin crew, bartender, customer service, doctor, teacher, etc. Iike those jobs because they are interesting and social-oriented job, because they also help people but not "stealing" people's money.

So if i have to voted in a pool about my favorite jobs now, i would like to say, doctor is my best choice to settle down in my older age because i like to help people who sick and i remembered when i was child, i was hospital-customer, so i love about doctor out there.
Oh, i also remember that this is a (fake) experiences.

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