Monday, February 17, 2014

my experience

A few days ago I was given the opportunity to feel how to be my English teacher. Many interesting experience for me that I get to be a teacher. My English teacher took a historical theme for my teaching materials, with free subtopic. At that time I took a cold war subtopics. I am not alone in teaching, I was accompanied by my friend named Marcell.Kami explains how the beginning of the cold war to the cold war going on. Prior to teaching I have to make a lesson plan before. In the lesson plan that we are invited to design teaching materials will we teach. We also calculate the time and summarizes all of our teaching materials in the lesson plan.
When I teach, my friends quite enthusiastic. They answered a lot of questions that we ask. Once we teach our students to invite (our friends) to play games. This game aims to summarize all the learning outcomes that we have taught to our friends. Most teachers summarize the results of their teaching by way of explaining. So we tried to make a summary of the results of our teaching in a different form.
We also made a reward for my students enthusiastically participated in my studies. Reward that not only monotonous form of food that is often used by other teachers (my friends the other). We make lottery tickets they would choose for themselves when they answer the questions we ask. We make this kind of reward that students interested in listening and following our lesson.

I finished teaching, I came to understand how difficult teaching. How hard our teachers are teaching us.

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