Monday, February 17, 2014

My Experience Being A History Teacher

There's one thing that I want to say, being a teacher is not as easy as it looks like. I have always thought that being a teacher is an easy job. All they have to do is giving us some paper or open a book and start to explain some materials. As a student, we always thought that explaining something is an easy job for teacher. But, now I know that being a teacher is not that easy. That was proven when I was given a task by my teacher, Ma'am Agnes, to teach history in English class. Because it was a pair job, I paired with Angel to do this task. At first, I underestimate the task, because I thought that this is going to be easy. All I have to do is prepare some power point and explain it to the other students. But, this is out of my expectation. Teaching is so difficult. Our subtopic is about "Cold War, Confrontation through Detente". The first step was to search as many and complete information about the subtopic. Because we didn't know anything about clod war, we decided to search it on Wikipedia. The explanation in Wikipedia were too long and too wordy, so we have to summarize it. We have to struggle to summarize that lots of information. We have to make an eye-catching power point too. We work for several days to finish the summary and the power point.

The first step was done, now the second step, explain it to the other students in the class. I was so nervous to explain it in front of the class. To tell you the truth, I'm actually a shy person. I hate to talk in front of many people. I tend to become speechless when I have to talk in front of many people. And further more, I don't like history. It makes me dizzy. So many names, dates, and places that have to be remembered. I don't want to do this. But, because this is a school's task, want it or not, I have to do it. A first, my voice won't come out because I'm too nervous. I don't know what to do. But at last, I have the courage to start the presentation. The students is very cooperative. They answer most of my question and hear my explanation. Some of them just can't be quiet and every time I remind them to keep their voice down, they just won't listen. But, at least most of them pay attention at my explanation, so that's good enough for me. At the end of the presentation, we gave them a little game. The game was adapted from a Korean reality show called "Running Man". So, the game was like this: First, we make four groups consist of 9-10 persons each group. There's group blue, pink, green, and yellow. Each group have to choose 5 persons to play outside. We advised them to choose the one who can run fast enough, because those 5 persons each group have to run and chase each other in order to get the questions. Why do they have to chase each other in order to get the questions? Because we will place the questions in the back of those persons that were chosen to play outside. To make it easier, we decided that group blue versus group pink and group green versus yellow. So blue can only chase pink and pink only can chase blue, green can only chase yellow and yellow can only chase green. The rest of the people on each group have to answer the questions that they accept from their partners that play outside. The game went so fun, everyone enjoy it. I'm so happy about that. Although our presentation didn't went so well, at least my friends could have some fun and learn something that day. And from that day, I learn that being a teacher is a difficult task. For all teacher around the world, we have to thank them and give them applause for doing their job very well :)

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