Monday, February 17, 2014

My experience become teacher of the class was so great. I realize that take control of class is difficult, not as I think before. From lesson plan, it was difficult to make it, because to think about the concept of lesson is difficult. I got a partner named Vincent, but with partner, it was still difficult to teach, although two is better than one.
Trojan Horse
Vincent made the lesson plan, and I made the lesson material. On the day, we got an outdoor teaching. It was more difficult than teaching inside the class, because we must speak louder and the students more difficult to control. And no electricity allowed is made it more difficult. So I prepared some picture to make easier my students to imagine.
We teach about Trojan War, we teach it in two different basic, there are Trojan War in a real or we usually say it history and Trojan War in mythology. Both Trojan War story was a great story, it happen from Greek who want to take the city of Troy. City of Troy is a great city, there are great, high, strong, and huge stone wall around the city. So it was really difficult to attack the city.
Because of that situation, Greek armies have to think more than twice, to get a tactic to get in. Than, the Army of Greek leader, named Odysseus, got a very brilliant idea, he used a sly tactic. His armies pretend to get lose and surrender. He gave Troy City a great present. That present was huge wood statue with horse shape. Odysseus with his 29 armies was in that horse statue. When the Troy City’s armies got a party and get drunk, Odysseus with his armies go out and open the gate. And Greek armies can get in and take the city.
Actually we’ve plan about the game that can play inside the class, but, we get outside game. Actually we want to test about the students’ comprehension. The real game is students pass a ball to his/her friend beside while the music is turn on and if the music got stop, student who bring the ball last will get a question. But the outdoor game is like first rank at TV, so we ask a question and all students write down the answer at the paper and the students must get the paper up, and if his/her answer is correct, he can get the next question until only one can got answer the last question. The winner is the last competitor left. The winner got prize cash 10.000 rupiah. Actually teach is fun if the students follow what we want. But to got that fun, is difficult hahaha… Okay, there are my experience about teaching class about history.

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