Monday, February 17, 2014


My English teacher told us to be a History Teacher last month. First, I just think that task is complicated because history is the most boring subject  in school. I am not sure that I can make history to be an interesting subject. But then, I has found an interesting history fact. That is about Samurai Warriors.
So, I and my friend, Fidela choose Samurai Warrior to be our topic in teaching.
The beginnings of the samurai warrior class come from the 8th  century AD. The Samurai were the warrior class in feudal, sworn to serve their lords( or Shoguns). They started out as fighting men. But, they evolved into a rulling or noble class. They were the  only group who were allowed to carry swords and other weapons.             Many were effete administrators and oppressive landowners. They did no real work other than to wage war or serve as bodyguards and lived off the forced tributes of peasants.
 In fact, the wives of Samurai were also highly respected. In western society, they would be looked upon as ladies of great breeding even if such breeding were not evident in their heritage.


 When I taught my friends, I felt that teaching is not a easy job because I must make fun atmosphere. So, the student will pay attention to us. To make fun atmosphere, we open the lesson with give some picture about Samurai Warriors game. Samurai Warrior games is a popular games. The games keep on reform the games until Samurai Warrior 4. We make an interesting presentation. The presentation have a lots of picture and a few writing. We also show some film about the Samurai war and the tradition of Samurai. We choose popular film, The Last Samurai. That film is starring by Tom Cruise.In that film, Cruise portrays an American officer, whose personal and emotional conflicts bring him into contact with samurai warriors in the wake of the Meiji Restoration in 19th Century Japan. 


We also try to lecturing slowly and clearly. So, the students will understand. Because of that, some student give more attention to us. And then we give an outdoor game too. The game rule is head the balloon to make the balloon keep staying on the air. So the other group can not pop the balloon and the first group who can pop the other group balloon and answer the question inside the balloon correctly is the winner.
When I being taught by my own friends, I felt more enjoy because they are my friends. They can not punish us. They use unformal language. They always smilling.  The students also more active when my friends taught. But, some of my friends can not teaching properly. They made a boring presentation. They always read the presentation. They do not understand about the subject clearly. So, the students also not interested with the lesson. The students did not hear the teacher and do the other activity.
So, from that task I have an interesting experience in having to teach and being taught by my own friends. 

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