Monday, February 17, 2014

My experience being a teacher

In this second semester, our teacher Mam Agnes gave us a task. That is our first task, it is to be a history teacher. We must choose one partner that they must have same idea it because we work in pairs not only one of them. Then I choose Sabrina to be my partner. Mam agnes tell us to made a lesson plan that contained topic, sub topic, study methode, arrangement, purpose and sumary. If in your lesson methode there is a game you must insert the rule of the game to the lesson plan? All of them must be written in the lesson plan, if you forget to write one of them you will get a remedial test like Garry, Anthony, Ivan, and Jonathan. We can choose the topic free but the topic must about the history in the world. And the first time we choose cold war to be our topic. Saturday is the day that we took the lotre to know who will be the first teacher. We got the first turn and we didnt have any preparation with this task. The topic about cold war is very difficult and very long story, so we change that topic with vietnam war. The story about vietnam war is short and interesting because the value moral in that story tell us not just only a big country like america could won the war but the little country could won the war too if they keep fighting and never give up. On the day before teaching, we know that be a teacher isn't easy as we imagine.Teacher must be prepare all of the learning material the day before they teach tomorrow. We feel it when we make that learning material in slide presentation until the night and the next day we must copy that slide for the student. In the day we teach we feel annoyed when the student make some noise in the class. Then after 20 minutes lecturing we gave them arround 3 minutes for make a group. Then we gave the crossword question each group. The last 5 minutes we check the answer of crossword question together. When we finish teaching in the class me and Sabrina feel relieved because when we teach we both felt tense because we affraid of being wrong. The next turn after us many of my friends that be a teacher gave us mini games, and the winner get many rewards especially snacks. Then we share the snacks and eat it in the next lesson, the next lesson is chemistry that was a boring lesson because of the teacher is very old. That was the good experience to know how to be a teacher.

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