Monday, February 17, 2014

First Task

My experience in teaching history in English is getting attention from the students was very hard. in seeking the attention that I along with partner having trouble capturing their attention from other activities. Although we discuss a great and interesting battles, but they're less regard us and doing other activities. We discuss the Napoleonic wars were residing in France. the war is rarely heard among students. However, the war was very interesting when they want to listen to a presentation from our group. We also have difficulty in looking for more information in the video because the video that we download is very little and is not clear. but we can also describe the Napoleonic wars from the information on the internet that we can. the Napoleonic wars napoleon toughness it tells in the fight against the rebels from various countries. Besides, we also obtain information on the importance of respecting people's presentations or speaking in front of the class. I admit that talking in front of the class was very hard and difficult. I feel nervous when teaching because students don't want to consider me and my partner. In addition to the hard-gained attention from the students, I also feel history teaching in English is hard because not all our vocab Ahold especially in the field of history. Vocab we received was not able to match the history that is used in the English language. These activities are beneficial to our students who sometimes did not dare to speak in public and who considered paltry teacher while talking or even explain. our students are very aware of the difficulties of teaching when students don't listen to us.

When I taught with other students, I find it better than the original with the teacher taught my friends who teach, because they can not explain with detail the lessons that they teach. In addition they are still not well versed in teaching in public. not only that, they always assume we don't want to listen to what they teach. They teach the not serious too. Then too many the game does not help us understand the lessons they teach. But there are also yummy in that game. Because we can relax our mind from other activities as well as activities of Deuteronomy repeats. Although they offer attractive prizes, but there are also Delish. We do not understand the purpose of the game that they provide. They just give a regular game just games rather than educate, it also intends to gain time slacking off provided that they do not explain too much. Sometimes they provide slides that contain only words and they only just reading, rather than memorize and explain and just give a fifth points. the slide they provide doesn't appeal to students because of too many words that only makes eyes tired. Besides the way they convey the words he says are too beat around line and not directly to the bottom line. so my experince in teaching and taught by other friends.

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