Monday, February 17, 2014

First task

About a month ago, I got a chance from my English teacher to taught at our class. Our topic was history.The challenge was we must change the assumption from the bored topic became a interested topic. We difided  into a small group that contains of two persons for each groups. We have to decided who were our own partner to did this task.Then I choosed Fili as my partner. I choosed her because she is my bestfriend and I thought we could work together as well. Then we chosed Cold War as our subtopic. After searched for some information for that subtopic, we felt that topic was so difficult because the story was too long. So we decided to changed our subtopic become Bandung LautanApi . We work together as always , search for the best method to teach so our student won’t be bored. Fortunately we weren’t the first group to taught at the classroom, so we had a chance to saw the other group. We felt that it was too difficult to handle the whole class. I felt that my friend’s show was too bored and I saw that the entire class do the other activity or just sleep and not interested with them. So we thought how to made the class be active and could follow our lesson without getting bored. After that Fili told me her ideas to made a small wood doll as our props so we made the figure that we needed. I told fili that presentation method was too bored. Next,we tried to searched for some information and made a summary so we can taught easily in front of the class and we hope no point passed when we taught the student at our class. We decided to made some mini game and we hoped the class won't be bored. The day was came. We were so nervous . We knew that it was so difficult to handle the whole class. Most of them have their own activity. Our taught walked quite easy, because most of the students knew our subtopic. Our student interested with our games because we provided snack as our reward for those who won the games. The games divided into two kinds. The first game was hangman that we did at the middle of our lesson. And we gave a little reward for those who could answered our question well. The next mini games was arranged the words. We did that games out of the class. Because we knew the situation in the class will always bored. The students had a big interest for this games because we provided many reward for those who won the games. At the end we satisfied enough with our achievement.Now I know how difficult to handle the whole class that contains of many person that have their own desire. From that task we learnt how to listen and appreciate our teacher. Honestly I felt bored when my friends teach us only by their power point presentation and only read from that power point slides. I thought that they did not did this task well. Because everyone can do everything when they have intention and totality when they do something. Many of my friend yet repeated the same thing to read the presentation. I think they knew that we should be bored when they only read that. But I only could wonder on my own heart why they did that. I taught the could made the classroom be fun but they did not. At least, actually there were so many method to teach history excitedly, but some teacher couldn't did it well. I just have many great experience because this task. About how to listen our teacher and how to appreciate our teacher as well. Because if we loved the subject actually we can got the great score for that subject.

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