Monday, February 17, 2014

My experience when I taught and teaching about the History

On this second semester, I was given the task by mam Agnes as English teachers Science departmen at College of Santo Yusup either teach a classmate with Historical subjects. At first, I was confused as to what I should do because I am not good at English. Teaching with bahasa Indonesia alone is difficult. And this time I have to explain the lessons of history is the lesson that I didn't love about using the English language.
This task is the task of the group. Each group contains two people. I worked with Diana who was a good friend of mine. At first, I was confused in choosing the theme of what we would have chosen. After seeing that other groups-see the many extensive about the war, we finally decided to choose apartheid is happening in South Africa, where Nelson Mandela became the main character.
On the first day of appearance, many are still confused as to what they should do in order that learning activities-teaching is not boring. Indeed, at the beginning of this activity is quite boring. But not anymore when Mr. S and Mr. P who teaches with the topic of the industrial revolution. They are both, in particular Mr. S, appears to be a very gifted teacher. They teach with passion and fun. We like being not studied history, but rather to see a comedy. They are both so cute with their distinctive style. They use the concept of mind map. Thus, we are not fixated on the screen, and we can focus on learning. In my opinion, of all that is already performing, Mr. S and Mr. P's most successful in completing this task.
And in the end, it's my turn and Diana are advanced. We got the challenge to look really similar to the teacher. Finally we agreed to use the shirt. I combine with skirts for my blue shirt, while Diana prefers infusing brown shirt with black trousers. By comparing all the appearances of a group that's been performed, we concluded that too many use slides to make them feel tired. So the more we use video as a means to convey our learning topics. Learning from that, we can figure out the sense of apartheid in South Africa. It turns out that sort of Apartheid racial classification. Black people should not go to the facilities people are fair skinned, but they do not have such facilities. Even for the bench, however, they separated the bench stool with black people to white people. Incidentally, Diana was a fair skinned Chinese people clean. While I was an original dark brown skinned. I make use of it to describe the uniqueness of apartheid.
Although it seems less interested in kids, but by using the "uniqueness" of that earlier, they seem interested in studying with us. In the end, we gave the games where a class is divided into groups with each group member is four. Many of the questions that we provide is not missed. But in the end we found a group called the winner. The winning group is the Group five who composed by Davin, Dita, William, Laris, and Aldrich. And they seemed to be pleased with the gifts they get.
Turns out, being a teacher is not an easy thing. We must devise Lesson Plan in advance, we must be able to master classes, and can bring a pleasant atmosphere so students do not feel bored. So the story of me, so and thank you.

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