Monday, February 17, 2014

First task

My first task in the second semester was teaching. For me teaching is not an easy thing to do. It is not like a presentation or sharing information. In teaching we have to make sure that our students get all informations. And then we have to take control of the class. Sometimes we have to get serious, and sometimes we have to make some joke, so our students can get all informations. Because of that mam Agnes gave us a chance to find a partner. It is very helping. And I chose Anthony Kurniawan as my teaching partners. We chose Cuban Missile Crisis as our topic.
Before we started our teaching, we have to make a lesson plan. In lesson plan, there are topic, sub topic, method, arrangements, purposes, summary, and rules of the game(we forgot to wrote down this part on our lesson plan). After that we have to learn about our topic. And we could start our teaching.
As a teacher, actually I didn't know how to control a class. And I have only 30 minutes to teach about Cuban Missile Crisis, and it's not an easy thing to do. Anthony had divided material for me and for him. And the day I became a teacher came. I was so nervous, and I forgot my material. I was panic, fortunately I had some videos so I had time to remember my material. But, we only had a few minutes to explain about Cuban Missile Crisis. And what we feared happened, we had not finished our teaching and teaching time was up. And the students got nothing. Plus, we forgot to wrote down rules of the game on our lesson plan. So we got a bad score and we had to teach again. On our second teaching, we got some questions from mam Agnes. Fortunately, Anthony can answer the question after so many try.
As a students, I liked Ita's teaching group. They played a video, and for me that was an awesome video. I forgot what war it is, but the Armies had a good tactics. They could control a class very well. I liked Sonny's teaching group too. They could teach very well, and we could understand what they taught in front of class. But I had to get a punish from mam Agnes, because I laughed at Davin first slide. They used agent D as Davin and agent F as Fernando. So I had to get out from the class, and I had to do nothing. When my classmate got out from the class for game time, my classmate laughed at me. And I had to do nothing even when they tickled or poke me. I think it was karma. After Davin's group finished their teaching, mam Agnes told us to control our behavior, and we can laugh or make a joke at a right time and place. She warned us to keep silence when our friends teaching and do something at a right time and place. That's my experience as a teacher and students. How about you?

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