Monday, February 17, 2014


Few weeks ago, I and my friends got a challenge from our English teacher. We have to teach History lesson. The challenge was we must can change the atmosphere of history lesson from a boring lesson to an interesting lesson. We teach in turns. In each meeting there were 2 or 3 pairs student that will teach history in different subtopic. My partner was Elna. I choose her because we both live in dormitory, so I think it will be easy for us to do the challenge. We choose Majapahit kingdom as our subtopic. We start to made our lesson plan and prepare for our teaching. We try to made a method of fun learning so that our student would not feel sleepy during our teaching. We search the material in the internet and some from our history book. We also add video in our teaching and made a crossword for them.  We give them about 10 until 15 minutes to solve our crossword and the three fastest got a reward from us. We choose food as our reward because I know my friend love to eat. The day come, we have to be a one day teacher in our own class. I felt awkward and afraid in the first time. But as the time gone, I can control myself. Obviously, teaching and to be a great teacher was not that easy. My friends didn’t listen to us while our teaching. They talk themselves.  Actually it feel sucks, but what could I do? I feel failed to do the challenge. But at least I have earned my first teaching experiences. So that if the next time I have to teach anymore, I can do it better from before.


And what I feel for being taught by my our own friends? Few of them can teach well, so that the whole class listen to them on focus. I like one group of my friend, they can know the material well. And the subtopic was also interesting. They teach with very great teaching so the whole class listen to them in silence. Their game also fun to play. Although they are taught by the method explained not by the method of fun learning  but I did not felt sleepy at all when they are teaching.  But there were some of group that can’t teach like them. The lesson become so boring, I could yawn several times during the lesson.  Sometimes I also feel pity of them because no one listens to them. And there were also some game that  hard to understand. The game was so complicated, I hope they can made a simple game but fun to play. So, I and my friends play the game with our confuse face. There were also some of my friends who play the game just to get the prize. Even in some games was not intererting. I and my friends are not interested at all to play although we have been promised a reward. So, that’s all of my experience in having to teaching or being taught by my own friends.

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