Monday, February 17, 2014

New Experinces

    New Experience

     I got my first chance to teach some days ago. My teacher picked history as the lesson I should teach to the whole class. I wasn’t going to teach alone, My companion was William. We then chose pacific war as the topic we gonna teach. What we needed to do first was to make the lesson plan. Generally lesson plan is text that explain what we gonna teach and how we gonna manage the time. It’s not hard to make the plan. The most difficult part was the teaching itself.

     To be a teacher was a very challenging and exciting. When I wore other clothes than the others students and talked the whole time in front of my friends, I saw my friends as they were wondering how we gonna teach. This made me feel something that I,Christian had never felt before. I taught in Saint Joseph Senior High School, eleventh science three. I was very excited as I was going to teach someone that usually plays with me and talks with me in class.
     Upon my time to teach I was very confused because in my teaching method I prepared some game, but I forget to do some finishing. So I decided that William would teach first while I was doing the preparation. My friends were very happy when they saw the presents I got that I would give them if they win the game. Actually the presents weren’t much but I made them looked big and interesting. It was not that easy to control my students. They kept talking to each other as I was doing some explanation.
     Finally this was the time for the game. As for the game I had hidden some envelope that were filled with some materials about pacific war in the middle fields then I split my students into 5 groups. I made them to search for the envelope. After they found it I gave each group five minutes to study the material they got and they had to do presentation about the material they had studied. Because history is not really an interesting lesson to be heared, I had to make it looked interesting in my friends minds, so I added some joke about the material as an ice breaking. After the presentation I gave the other students chance to ask about the presentation. They were not willingly to ask, so I persuaded them. For the group with the best presentation, I gave them the biggest presents. Actually each group would receive present, but it wasn’t always good. There were some mineral waters and breads. It’s really fun to see their faces when they received the presents. The expression that I still remember was Karen’s, why? Her expression was really unique when she knew that she got mineral water. This was my first experience teaching.

     As for my experience being taught by my own friends was very exciting. Because they are my friends, they would not get mad with me. I could talk as long as I want without someone got mad. The way they taught was also interesting and the part I loved the most was the presents they had prepared even sometimes there were shampoo or one thousands rupiahs as the presents.
     To conclude this I can say that teaching is a whole new experience for me as a student. I have learnt a lot of things about how hard to teach and tocontrol the students and the amount of work the teachers need to do in order to carry out a successful class. I also learnt that teachers need to ensure that student learn the concepts taught in class.

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