Monday, February 17, 2014

Experience About Teach History

     Some times ago, I and my friends, have a task to teach a lesson about history, and I choose Laris, Laris choose me to be one group. In this task, our subtopic is Rengasdengklok incident. In the first discussion, Laris was permit to out of the class, so I take a look of others group what they will do in this task, and what are their subtopics. Fortunately, Our subtopic no equal, so we continue this task with this subtopic,and find reference relating to our subtopic and made a interesting presentation. In this task, we teach with presentation and games. We made the lesson plan, and give it to Mam Agnes.
     We are confused to preparing the task in class, we must prepare it well, so we made that presentation first, then made the games. The presentation torelable, we must made our presentation with little word, so we made it with chart, with hope, our friends can be focus, not bored, and can get the lesson well. The games is puzzle, we made it with duplex paper and cut some photos relating to Rengasdengklok incident. Misery, the duplex paper is thick, so we have more extra exergy to cut it, then we glue that puzzle with castol glue. From Mam Agnes, we got challenge to wear teacher clothes, and the class is divided into two classes, we got in the class.
     In the day to teach, we afraid if we can't teach well. But, we take it easy, we try to enjoy. In dorm, wear our teacher custome, then in some minute before the bell ring, we go to school with that clothes, we do it because we think, we will shy because we wear different clothes. After pray, respect the flag, and sing Mars Kolese Santo Yusup, Mam Agnes divide the class into to goup, we started teach, the class greeting, and we explain what we will teach in that time. Then, We prepare the presentation, and divide the handout to the class.
      The first to presentation was me, so I teach well, I try to presentation well, and try to control the class, then Laris presentation his part. After that, we play games, we explained how to play, and divide that class into four groups, we give the puzzles to the group, one puzzle to one group. Then, we ask the question that related into that puzzle. We confused, why our friends can solve taht puzzle easily, whereas we solve that hard, may be that because we try to solve that when that puzzles in process, so we make the puzzle more soft, with hope, that puzzle can solve easily, and that hope happen. We happy, because our friend can study well, focus, and not bored with our way to teach, we can teach them with happy, and they happy with the lesson.
     Then, we close the lesson with ask what the students don't understand and greeting in last. I think the teacher must over matter, so can teach well, and to make the students to be focus, not bored, and can understand that not easy. There are many way to teach in class. Maybe presentation, maybe with games, or use board to explain, and etc. That is up to the teacher. We happy, because what we do in this task, make good result to our score, and more important, we have an experience to teach.

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