Monday, February 17, 2014

Become a history teacher

What the experience become the teacher?

Well, First it's hard. Because we need to select our partner well to support us, in this case, i choose ivan because he has passion is one or two thing. And we need to organize our lesson plan so well to make sure there are no wasting time. And also we have to keep entertain as well as teaching the students, so the students won't get bored and our skill to handle the class is required.

So, i and my partner, ivan, start to think what subtopic would be best and interesting to discuss. We also discuss about the method teaching. So we decided to choose Crusade War as subtopic. We think that a war within 2 religion in the past would be nice knowledge to share. Most of our teaching method is lecturing, so we have to make sure we can perform well to teaching the students.

In the day we teach, we dressed like a real teacher. When we started teaching, i got so nervous and my memories about the lesson is mostly gone! So i started to read the text and it affected to our students. So they became noisy and naughty. My partner also suffer same condition, but he's more better than me. In games section, the students very excited when they know they win the prize and we give them the reward like snack or something to make this teaching more "better". But the result we get is we get remedy in this teaching session! So i and my partner prepare the next teaching session we will get.

In the remedy test of teaching, we got first place to start. So we came in front of and start to open the teaching. At first we think because this is only remedy test, students would not pay attention, but when we teaching that day, the students were very nice guy. They listen what we teaching and very cooperative. So i and my partner were so enjoying teaching that day.

When i became a student, i try to become nice students and listening what teachers say, but sometimes, students "behavior" get on me to make some noise. But after all, the best section i like in every teacher is, Giving the Game Prize section.

So teaching is new experiences for us, because it's difficult to teach like a very good teacher. But, don't be afraid, something new sometimes very difficult to overcome, but when we try it, we will get excitement in it.

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