Monday, February 17, 2014

First Task

I never thought that I will be a teacher for my friends. We must teach History for our friends. Yeah we know that history was one of the lesson that we will get bored when study about it. We have a bad preparation for did this task, I finished the presentation on midnight and it was full of words, there is no any picture on my presentation.
 On Monday, 27th January 2014 I and my friend Jonathan a.k.a “ Nganyuk” have to be a history teacher for my friends. We have no experience to teach our friend. It was very hard to get attention from a student. We must make our lesson were interest for them but we failed. Many of students get bored and fall asleep while we taught them about the history. I choose Jonathan because he is my best friend in my class. We have the same mindset so it was easy for choosing our topic. Our topic was Crusade. We choose Crusade because we thought that Crusade was an interesting topic. We choose Lecturing and presentation method like an normal teacher.  Mam Agnes give use a challenge that we must use an formal uniform, That mean we must wear shirt and Tie. I waste many time on wearing tie because I was forgot how to tying a tie but finally I can wear it. I was stupid because I write only words on my presentation and there is no any picture or videos that can support my teaching. That was make my friend get bored easily. I was very nervous when teaching in front of my friends so they can’t understand what that I taught to them. Sadly I must have a Remedial Test with my friend but that not broke our spirit. We try to repair our mistakes in our teaching before. I study until midnight for mastered what I want to teach in the next day. We just choose crusade III because Crusade Three was the most famous Crusade between the other Crusade. Now we not only spoke with wall. We try to get our friend attention and make they understand our topic. We just using one image for taught our friend and two videos. That image was a map where that Crusade III begins and that videos were about an crusade war situations and the agreement between Saladin and Richard. Same like before, I feel nervous when teaching in front of my friends but I try to hide my nervous. I was so stupid because I said a wrong word in our closing and that reduce our score. The second try that we think it will be success than before was false. We still failed to get a good score for our first study report on the second semester. I really disappointed because what did I try to do was useless and I still get an bad score. From teaching our friend, I know became a teacher isn’t easy. I it was very hard for teacher to get our attention and make an good atmosphere on class. Be a teacher need a big patience and good preparation too. 


  1. wow, i really like your topic :D maybe you want to see this video :D
