Monday, February 17, 2014

My experience being a good history teacher

What was the experience of being a teacher?
My name is Sabrina Darmadji. I was given a task to teach about history in my classroom. Well, I had no experience of classroom teaching. So I was more than a little worried. I realized that teaching is a very difficult job, not as I thought before.
My teacher divided us into a small groups contains 2 person. I was accompanied by my friend Cindy Tanara. Me and Cindy prepared the topic 2 days before, because we have to do the presentation first. My teaching project was in Monday. So I can prepared my presentation in Saturday and Sunday. I choosed her because she is a really nice person and  I thought  we could do this project very well. The topic that we choosed is Vietnam War. Vietnam War was a really interesting material to be discuss about. I had a lot of difficulties because I had to select a teaching method that won’t make my friend bored.
Me and Cindy had to search so many and complete information about theVietnam War. Because we didn't know anything about the Vietnam War. Mr Lukas never taught us about the Vietnam War. So we decided to search at the internet. The explaintation in the internet was too hard. And that made us really tired. Mam Agnes doesn’t gave us a difficult challenge, because we had to presentation first. At the time when I knew I will presentation first, I became so nervous. We don’t have any imagining of teaching. We don’t know how to teach a student. And my students are the same age as me. It was horrible.
When I was teaching with Cindy. I think the handout that I gave for them is good enough. Because the font is not too small. But yes, it is a lot. When I explain the Vietnam War to them, they don’t talking with their friends, they don’t  sleep, and the situation of the class is really nice. I don’t have to asked them to be quiet. Maybe, it’s because my presentation is the first time. Before I ended my lesson. I gave them some game. It’s a crossword game. So I divided them into 13 groups contains 3 person each group. I thought we failed at that part. We made 2 mistakes that made my students confused. But in the end they can do it by themselves. We don’t bought present for the winner of our game. Because I think there are no teachers that gave us food or drink or even toothbrush and shampoo.
From these project, now i can understand that to be a good teacher it is not easy like we imagine before. Because we must try hard to make our students listen to us and make our material interesting even it is not. And it's difficult to teach many variant student. I will appreciate my teachers,try to understand their subject by don’t talk while they are explaining the lesson. Hopefully my friends do the same. And most of all, thank you for Mam Agnes to made me realized that i really can’t be a teacher.

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