Monday, February 17, 2014

First task

What experience did I get from my teaching project?

Well.. This is my first time for teaching my XIA3 friends .. With my partner, Ita , we tried to make a new atmosphere at our class when both of us taught history lesson. We tried not to make a boring lesson, but a exciting lesson for all of us.

When we taught them history lesson, part of XIA3 members get bored at our matery, but the other members get excited on us. As a "history teacher", I thought that to be a teacher is not easy. We must had extra patience to faced the students that had no idea for our lesson. We need smart look at the situation, and should not directly angry if they asked us.

as a young teacher, I think that being a teacher is difficult. But experience teaches that this is an experience I will not forget, because this is the first time me and my friend became a history teacher. The first thing I felt was nervous, so a series of words I'll say in front of my friends suddenly disappeared, so I had to speak spontaneously in English language.

This is my experience about being taught by friends.


Now this is my experience

Honestly, there are a few teams that managed to  make us interested in learning their matery. But there are also a few teams that actually make us more tired, and some have fallen asleep while lessons.

Myself sometimes lazy to listen to their lessons, because from the beginning I did not like the subjects had to memorize the contents of just writing and writing, no pictures. Though there is a picture, the picture was boring, sometimes it is not clear.

I also often do not understand when they teach, because in addition to boring lesson, the teacher was also just read from the slides, and there is no explanation of any of them.

I'm usually interested in their lessons if from the beginning they have been able to make us eager to listen to their lesson. That made us want to listen to it if they held a lottery game, and the prizes were meals or snacks or drinks. If they still held a game with prizes, but from the beginning has been lazy noticed, we as the students still did not pay attention to them, so no one can answer the questions of their.

especially if the teachers were from the beginning is not prepare all the materials well. they can be even more boring than the teachers who teach these subjects. even from the beginning there were sleeping, there are lazy, there is no attention, there is even a busy himself with his duties. especially if the students were bringing their own laptops, they prefer to play a laptop rather than listening or watching these young teachers.

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