Monday, February 17, 2014

First Task

What experience that I have while I Having teach or taught by friends ?
My experience is I was confuse about the physics test because of my teacher taught with just only a several time go to the class and then say that we will have a test next week. Me and my friend was confuse because of that. Then we decided to study together. We study at my friends home because it's more efficient than study at school. We sudy about the concept about how that thing work. And we study about the formula that we need for the test next week. We don't even know about why the formula was like that. And even that formula is confusing both of us. And in the end, we chose to study even if we can't.
While we still think about how we study, my friend have an idea that how about if we have a course in my teacher. That's the end of our first meeting.
And at the second meeting, we decided to gather together at his course place.The teacher was so kind. And he can make us understand about the formula and about the concept how that thing work. We continue to study together by work a questions that have a relation with our test. Then, his teacher give both of us a question about the concept and about the formula, so he will not doubt us if we say that we understand about the formula and the concept. The question about the concept we work by ourself, but the question about the formula, we work it together. We remind about the formula because we work together, so if my friend forgot the formula, I remind him, if I forget the formula, he remind me, so we reminding the formula each other.
And for the teaching Lesson that we have take, it was really surprising me. Because even there are many students that does not here me and my partner while lecturing, they still active in our game. But from that lesson, I found that become a teaher is not easy. It was very hard because many students doesn’t pay attention on us while lecturing and sometimes there aren’t enough time to teach because sometime there are some school activity that cut our time to teach.
And about how my friends teach me, it was very nice to got taught by our own friends, because some of them give us a reward if our answer is right. And how they teach is give me a relaxation because there is a game in their lesson and some of them give us video too. And some of them make us running in the morning, so we can got a better conditions because we do a sport lesson in morning. In addition to do that sports in morning, we even got a better knowledge about history too. So, while they are teach us, we got so many profit from them. We become more healthty, smarter than before in history lesson, can know more about what happening in past and many more.
That was my experience about teaching my own friends and taught by my own friends.

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