Monday, February 17, 2014

First Task

What was the experience of being a teacher?
Ok well .. have you ever be something that you’ve never expected before? So, this happened to me as an English project. I’ve never want to be a teacher. Even more a history teacher. I don’t have an experience about teaching, or about how to get the attention in a bored-subtopic. You know history? Many of students get bored or even sleep while the class are discussing about the history. More of them don’t listen to what is the teacher says. But in this occasion, I and my teaching partner have to be a history teachers.
As soon as I  and my teaching partner, Riordan got a subtopic for our teaching, we spent much of time to discuss about what method we would use for teach. The challenge for being a teacher was how to make a new atmosphere in the class so our students give an attention for us. The subtopic that we’ve been chosen was World War II. We choose that subtopic because we thought that is an interesting topic and .. Who doesn’t know about the World War? So that were the reason.
Our method for teaching was a general lecturing with an interesting and interactive presentation. During our teaching, our “fake” students were so excited to our interactive presentation. They were listening to our teaching and I think we got their attention. In the end of our presentation, we gave some questions as the games. And they could answer our questions, it means that they listened to our teaching. And for those who can answer our questions would get a prize. More of students excited to see our prize, so I thought that was a reason why they gave us an attention.
In our teaching, I and my partner have to dressed like a real teacher. So we changed our costume before. At first I felt afraid and I thought they wouldn’t listen to our teaching, because we have a chemistry test after. We made the teaching was fun. And a little bit we gave some jokes to make them laugh. And yes now I think we got succeed to be a history teacher.
Now I think .. try to be something we haven’t expected before was great. It makes a new experience for everyone. We will proud if we are succeed. But if we are not, it may be an epic fail that we will always remember. So, don’t be afraid to try something new.

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